Sunday, 15 February 2015

Explore The Universe

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  1.             The Earth is 30 trillion times greater than human.
  2.           The Sun is 1 million times greater than The Earth.
  3.            The Etacarinae is 5 million times greater than The Sun.
  4.           Betel Guese is 30 million times greater than The Sun.
  5.           VY canis Majoris is 1 billion times greater than The Sun.
  6.           The name of the Galaxy in which we live is “MILKY WAY”.
  7.            In MILKY WAY, there are 300 billion stars like The Sun.
  8.           If we travel at the speed of light then we required 100 thousand years to cross The MILKY WAY.
  9.           MILKY WAY Galaxy is in VIRGO Cluster.
  10.           In VIRGO Cluster there are 4700 Galaxies.
  11.           VIRGO Cluster is in LOCAL Super Cluster.
  12.             In LOCAL Super Cluster there are 100 Clusters.And
  13.       In our UNIVERSE there are 1 Billion Super Clusters and these super clusters are look like small dots in the net i.e. our UNIVERSE.

Friday, 13 February 2015

The Life of Facebook Founder

Scientific Inventions/Theories That change the World

Nicola Tesla 1850: "Tesla Coil" electrical resonant transformer 
Micheal Faraday 1791: "electrolysis" direct electric current (DC current) 
James Maxwell 1831: Magnetic field 
Marie Curie 1807: radio activity 
Issac Newton 1642: Astronomy 
Albert Einstein 1879: space/time theory 
James Watson & Francis Crick 1928/1916: DNA 
Neils Bohr 1885: Atomic model 
Charles Darwin 1809: Evolution